More about API

Supported file types

Taggun supports the following image and file types:

  • JPEG

  • PDF

  • PNG8

  • PNG24

  • GIF

  • HEIF

Country and language support

Taggun provides different levels of support for receipts from different countries.

Category 1 - High priority

Category 1 has a high accuracy rate. Taggun actively measures and improves the accuracy rate for receipts from these countries:

  • USA

  • United Kingdom

  • Germany

  • Japan

  • France

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

  • Canada (English & French)

  • Belgium (Dutch & French)

  • Spain

  • Mexico

  • Sweden

  • Finland

  • Poland

  • Norway

  • Switzerland

  • Handwritten receipts

If you require improved support for a specific country, please contact

Category 2 - Medium priority

Category 2 has a medium to high accuracy rate. Taggun provides support for receipts from these countries:

  • Israel (Hebrew)

  • China

  • Taiwan

  • Singapore

  • Malaysia

  • Brazil

  • India

  • Czech Republic

  • Denmark

  • A variety of more European countries that aren't listed.

If you require improved support for a specific country, please contact

Category 3 - Low priority

Category 3 is recognised to have a low accuracy rate. Support is limited to our ability to assist:

  • Thailand

  • Arabic

  • Russia

  • Hungary

If you require improved support for a specific country, please contact

Confidence level

Taggun calculates the confidence level for each property. This provides a "proxy" accuracy level for each property. Also, an aggregated confidence level for all properties of the receipt is provided at the root level of the result. Maximum confidence level is 0.99 Minimum confidence level is 0.

Merchant name, address and type

Taggun uses Google Places to extract and validate the recognised merchant name and address of the receipt. It biases the result to the closest distance of the bias location (the geolocation of user's IP address or caller's IP Address).

To improve the accuracy of merchant name for your account, you can email us a list of the merchant names in your system. Or you can add a new merchant name to your account with the /api/account/v1/merchantname/add endpoint.

Receipt location vs bias location

What happens when the original location of the receipt is not the same as the bias location of the user or caller? E.g. A user in Australia has scanned receipts from overseas trip in the USA. Think of IP Address geolocation as a mere "suggestion" to influence the result. It is not deterministic. Taggun algorithm is robust enough to extract information without any information of the IP Address.

User's IP address

When possible, it is recommended to include the user's IP Address to lookup for the bias location of the receipt. Include ipAddress request parameter to improve the accuracy of receipt transcription. Taggun uses GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from

Caller's IP address

Caller's IP address is the IP address of the server that makes the API request. When the user's IP address is not available, Taggun uses the caller's IP address to lookup for the bias location of the receipt.

Date format

Taggun recognises dates of any formats. Bias location is used when there is an ambiguity between little-endian (DD-MM-YYYY) and middle-endian (MM-DD-YYYY). For example: a request with the bias location of New York, USA will recognise 07-12-2017 as 12th of July. But the same request with the bias location of Auckland, New Zealand will recognise that as 7th of December.

Number format and currency

Taggun recognises both formats decimal point(.) and decimal mark(,) to extract the correct amount.

Last updated